Vintage Posters Illustrated by Gaspar Camps i Junyent in the 1900s



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Gaspar Camps i Junyent (1874–1942) was a Spanish draughtsman, illustrator and painter, influenced by modernism and advertising. His work is characterized by modernist decorations and exuberance of forms, visible in the numerous drawings published by Camps in the magazine Album Salón (1897-1908) and in the advertising posters of his time in Paris.

In 1899, Camps exhibited at the Sala Parés and founded the magazine Pluma y Lápiz. Between 1901 and 1903, he worked on works from the Ambos Mundos collection. For a long time, he worked as artistic director of the French advertising house Sirven and did many commercial works often using his wife, Cristina Dotti, as a model.
The French government awarded Gaspar Camps several Palmes académiques in 1934. On April 5, 1934, he received a tribute from the Association of Watercolorists of Catalonia, and on June 4, he was named an illustrious son of the city of Igualada. In 1941 and 1942, he exhibited with great success at Sala Busquets.

Here below is a set of vintage posters illustrated by Gaspar Camps i Junyent in the 1900s.
Bengaline, Peinture Émail Perfectionnée, circa 1900

Chemins de Fer d’Orléans et du Midi, Syndicat d’Initiative de Toulouse, circa 1900

Girl with lilacs and birds, circa 1900

Joven con rosas, circa 1900

Modernist girl, circa 1900

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